2017 中陰文武百尊灌頂法會 The Hundred Wrathful and Peaceful Deities Empowerment


主辦單位 香港阿隬陀佛協會

日期:2017年8月26至29日 (星期六至星期二)
地點:九龍灣國際展貿中心三樓 ( 地址:香港九龍灣展貿徑1號)

此次灌頂將介紹“西藏度亡經”中所描述的經驗,並讓修行人作好準備,能夠充分利用這個在死亡與重生之間的中陰身 (過渡狀態) 的時機,認識到心靈的真實本性。

§ 本次灌頂極為稀有,可增進在頗瓦法中對菩提心的修練
§ 在死亡時或者中陰身的階段,可經由片刻的認證而得到解脫
§ 包含心之本性的教授

詳情及報名請到: http://bit.ly/2nk3WPZ  (座位有限請提前報名)

查詢電話:+852 5106 5430 (廣東話,亦可whatsapp/wechat), +852 6032 0599 (English, 國語)
法會查詢電郵: 100deities@gmail.com

H.E. Choeje Ayang Rinpoche
2017 The Hundred Wrathful and Peaceful Deities Empowerment

Organizer: Amitabha Foundation Hong Kong

Date : August 26-29, 2017 ( Saturday – Tuesday )
Venue : 3/F International Trade & Exhibition Centre, Kowloon Bay

This empowerment introduces the practitioner to experiences described in the Tibetan Book of the Dead and prepares one for making the most of these transient opportunities to recognize the true nature of mind encountered in the bardo (intermediate state) between death and rebirth.

§ This is a rare empowerment that will further develop the companion practice of Phowa.
§ Liberation can follow a single moment’s recognition at the time of death or in the bardo between lives.
§ This complete transmission includes teachings on the Ture Nature of Mind.

For more detail & sign up, please go: http://bit.ly/2nk3WPZ  Seats are limited, please promptly register.

For information regarding the empowerment, please call +852 5106 5430 (Cantonese,whatsapp/wechat), +852 6032 0599 (English, Mandarin)
Or please send email to: