中陰文武百尊灌頂法會翻譯員資料 Wrathful & Peaceful Hundred Deities Shitro Empowerment Translators’ profile



It is Amitabha Foundation’s great honor & pleasure to introduce our outstanding team of translators for the upcoming Wrathful & Peaceful Hundred Deities Shitro Empowerment to be bestowed by His Eminence Choeje Ayang Rinpoche from Aug 26th to Aug 29th, 2017 at the International Trade & Exhibition Centre, Kowloon Bay.

詳情及報名請到: http://bit.ly/2nk3WPZ  (座位有限請提前報名)

查詢電話:+852 5106 5430 (廣東話,亦可whatsapp/wechat), +852 6032 0599 (English, 國語)
法會查詢電郵: 100deities@gmail.com

For more detail & sign up, please go: http://bit.ly/2nk3WPZ  Seats are limited, please promptly register.

For information regarding the empowerment, please call +852 5106 5430 (Cantonese,whatsapp/wechat), +852 6032 0599 (English, Mandarin)
Or please send email to: