《尊貴的曲傑 安陽仁波切圓寂·訃告》

《尊貴的曲傑 安陽仁波切圓寂·訃告》

我們懷著深切之悲痛向大家公告,世界知名的頗瓦大師尊貴的曲傑 安陽仁波切,已於2024年12月4日星期三藏曆木龍年10月,於印度進入涅槃,享年83歲。

仁波切現今仍以蓮花坐姿安住於殊勝的荼丹(Thugdam)中,此乃將意識與明光融為一體的甚深勝妙禪定。隨後儀式的細節將遵循 安陽仁波切的根本上師-第17世噶瑪巴鄔金欽列多傑即第16噶瑪巴讓炯日佩多𠍇之轉世的指示來進行。


2024 年 12 月 10 日

中陰文武百尊灌頂法會翻譯員資料 Wrathful & Peaceful Hundred Deities Shitro Empowerment Translators’ profile



It is Amitabha Foundation’s great honor & pleasure to introduce our outstanding team of translators for the upcoming Wrathful & Peaceful Hundred Deities Shitro Empowerment to be bestowed by His Eminence Choeje Ayang Rinpoche from Aug 26th to Aug 29th, 2017 at the International Trade & Exhibition Centre, Kowloon Bay.

詳情及報名請到: http://bit.ly/2nk3WPZ  (座位有限請提前報名)

查詢電話:+852 5106 5430 (廣東話,亦可whatsapp/wechat), +852 6032 0599 (English, 國語)
法會查詢電郵: 100deities@gmail.com

For more detail & sign up, please go: http://bit.ly/2nk3WPZ  Seats are limited, please promptly register.

For information regarding the empowerment, please call +852 5106 5430 (Cantonese,whatsapp/wechat), +852 6032 0599 (English, Mandarin)
Or please send email to:


8月30日感恩素宴 Vegetarian Dinner banquet on August 30th


晚宴當晚將會以競投方式為尊貴的安陽仁波切弘法利生慈善事業籌募基金,誠邀大家踴躍參與,共植福田,祈願涓涓細流盡滙毗盧性海!敬祝大家:身心康泰、 自在祥和、 功德無量!

貴賓席 : HK$1,000 / 位
嘉賓席 : HK$600 / 位
時間 :2017年8月30日

It is Amitabha Foundation’s honour to organize a Vegetarian Dinner banquet on August 30th, 2017 to express and show our gratitude to Ayang Rinpoche for bestowing the Hundred Deities Shitro Empowerment in HK. It will be a great opportunity for all the sangha, dharma brothers/sisters & friends to get together to rejoice in our merits & show our deepest appreciation to our most Honourable Guru,Ayang Rinpoche for his love & compassion to all of us & all the sentient beings. We are also grateful for an opportunity at the banquet to raise funds through auction for Rinpoche’s projects for us to accumulate our merit & dedicate to all the sentient beings. Hope everyone can join this special and blissful event. Tickets will be sold at 1000HKD per head for VIP tables. 600HKD per head for regular tables. Seats are limited & on first come first serve basis. The banquet will be hosted at the Regal Hotel, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
Tickets will be available starting on July 1st, 2017.
For further details & enquires, pls kindly call at 60320599